Victoria Will’s Moving Portraits


This is a photograph from Victoria Will’s moving portraits series. It is a digitally created portrait with some moving elements.

The photograph shows a woman sat t a table with a fan blowing air and moving her hair. The setup is really simple with the woman on one side of the frame and the fan on the other. The background is a white wall and there is also a white table which is slightly reflective giving a bit more depth to the image while all the white elements create  really flat image. However the woman and the darkly coloured fan pop out from the lightly coloured background. drawing focus on the subject. The small part of the image that moves also draws the observer’s eyes.

The process is quite simple to, but it takes a lot of tweaking to get it perfect. The image is made up of a still image and a video which are taken from the exact same point. The video is masked around and only visible where there is movement. It is likely that it was edited in a video editor rather than a photo editor. The final product was exported as a GIF file.

The image doesn’t seem to have any deeper meaning and is just a showcase of what modern technology can do with an old idea that is a portrait photograph. The bright colours however create a very sterile atmosphere, and signify hope and a bright future.

Here are a few more of her images:


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